Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kayla Towns

ID 3311.002



Fibers and Biopolymer Research Institute Visit #2

On Tuesday of this week, we visited the Fibers and Biopolymer Institute for Texas Tech to hear about the different methods they use to test fabric strength and durability. There are four methods that were shown to us that will be discussed in further detail in the following paragraphs.

The first method discussed is the Martindale Abrasion Tester. The Martindale Abrasion Tester “determines the abrasion resistance of textile fabrics, or the wear ability of textile fabrics” (Martindale Abrasion Tester handout). As stated in the handout, “The abrasion resistance is measured by subjecting the fabric specimen to a rubbing motion in the form of a geometric figure, that is, a straight line, which becomes a gradually widening eclipse, until it forms another straight line in the opposite direction and traces the same figure again under known conditions of pressure and abrasive action”.  Several fabrics can be used in the tester such as a plain weave, crossbred, or worsted wool fabric.

The second method is the Breaking Force and Elongation of Textile Fabrics. In this step, the machine “determines the breaking force and elongation of textile fabrics, using either a grab sample, a raveled or cut strip sample”. It can also determine the bursting strength of fabrics “(handout). In this process, different accessories and load cells are used. This machine can also be used to do “skein breaks of yarn and individual fiber strengths” (handout). The grab test procedure is used to determine “the effective strength o the fabric; that is the strength of the yarns in a specific width together with the fabric assistance from adjacent yarns”. The raveled strip procedure is used to determine “the force required to break a specific width of fabric (handout).

The third method used at the research institute is the Tearing Strength Elmendorf Method. In this process, “this instrument computes the average tearing force of a cut specimen from the energy loss of a falling pendulum” (handout). This machine is used to present the fabric in a “real-life” scenario where it might be exposed to a sudden heavy load that will cause tearing, “propagating an existing tear, such as a seam or button hole”. In this procedure, the fabric is loaded into the “sample jaws”, which are then closed and the fabric is cut by pulling down the knife handle.

The fourth and final method is the Dimensional Changes of Fabrics Accelerated (Quickwash). The Quickwash machine is used to simulate many diverse home and commercial laundering procedures. This process is started by drawing 4 dots in a diamond on the fabric, measuring the distance between them and washing the fabric. Once dried, the distance between the dots is measured again to determine the fabric shrinkage.

All in all, these four methods are very beneficial and a great way to test out fabric strength and durability.
                             Photoshopped Image


  1. ok so your photoshopped machine looks amazing! i'm super jealous of your sweet skills;)

  2. Your coverpage looks so great! I really like the effects you used to change your picture and make it look unique!
